woensdag 7 december 2011

TicTac (2)

Beautiful stamp sheet from the recently discovered Quindi Islands!

Received from PC/TICTAC.

Herzlichen Dank, grazie mille, Patrizia!

woensdag 2 november 2011

Carla Cryptic

This special Ice Rabbit was made and sent by Carla Cryptic from the USA. I love the turquoise colours!

Born in the year of the Golden Rabbit, Carla has the Rabbit Year Mail Art Project.

On the back side of this Ice Rabbit I was surprised by a great original Cryptic Post stamp!

Compositions by Carla Cryptic you can find here.
The mentioned (golden) rabbit and (turquoise) dragon you can see here.

Thanks a lot, Carla!

woensdag 21 september 2011

Carlos Botana

Not intended as a Real Weird Animal, this beautiful mixed media Serea Carlos Botana sent to me as a 'thank you' for my Mermaid for the Send me a Mermaid project.

Serea... I couldn't find the word in the dictionary. Serea must be 'Mermaid' in Gallego, as there also is a Serea in Vigo, Galicia.
And Sereia is Mermaid in Portuguese. Since the moment I opened the envelope and read the word 'Serea', the words 'Minha Sereia é Rainha do Mar' (a famous Brazilian song) go through my mind continuously.

Also beautiful are the fine Mermaid on the original Carlos Botana stamp, and the butterfly which was issued by the Spanish correos, post.

Muchas gracias, Carlos!

zaterdag 10 september 2011

woensdag 7 september 2011

Nicole Eippers

Real strange to us (though we humans might look weird towards him/her!?) is this Heteronotus delineatus! I'm not sure if this is a Treehopper or a Thorn bug, but anyhow this odd creature belongs to the Membracidae family.
More of his/her cousins you can see on (for example) this blog.

This great collage was made and sent by Nicole Eippers, mail artist and pigs collector (so if ever you have a pig found or created, send it to her!).

More animals to see are, on the stamp, the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) and, on both front and back side of the envelope, of course the pig (I count even four).

Merci beaucoup, Nicole!

Eni Ilis

These bats (or would they be vampires?) were created by Eni Ilis from Brazil.

More work by Eni Ilis you can find by e.g. google.
Thank you very much, Eni!

woensdag 17 augustus 2011

Erin Fae

Today I was surprised by a Mail Art work from New Zealand (sent from Singapore). This Woodpecker and a very naked human arm were created and sent by Erin Fae.
The card also is part of the Mail Art 365 project.

More about/from Erin you can see on Faerygrrrl.

Thanks a lot, Erin!

zaterdag 6 augustus 2011

Nico van Hoorn

From the Netherlands this friendly Cow was sent, pictured by Nico van Hoorn.
A puzzled, or an anonymous cow?!
(Suddenly I remember Polaroid pictures / Instant film).

Besides the cow, also an other meadow resident adorns the postcard, on a rubber stamp on the back: the Black-tailed Godwit ('Grutto' in Dutch).

See more mail art by Nico van Hoorn on his Mail Art blog.

Hartelijk dank, Nico!

Eva (2)

These butterflies once belonged to a note book cover. Thanks to Eva they turned into mail objects and flew from Spain to this Mail Art project!
Funny that the colours and brightness - which in their note book life always were the same - now can change, according to the background.

And the Spanish Correos supplied an apt stamp.

More of Eva's MailAdventures you can see on MailAdventures.blogspot.com.

Thanks a lot, moltes gràcies, Eva!

maandag 25 juli 2011

Miguel Jimenez

A 'Thank you' card, probably not intended for this Weird Animals project, but sure well-matching, this beautiful work of mail art by El Taller de Zenón from Spain.

(Besides the Bull Human another animal on this nice Butterfly stamp!)

More about El Taller de Zenón you can find on the website.
Past and present mail art projects you can find here.

Muchas gracias, Miguel!

zaterdag 23 juli 2011


This wise looking giraffe I received from Eva from Spain.
Despite the giraffe's opinion I'm convinced giraffes truely are weird animals, having their long neck and spotted skin.
But probably, conversely they will think us humans weird, having short necks and short front legs!?!

Moltes gràcies, Eva, for these sweet and happy giraffes!

zondag 17 juli 2011


I feel very happy and honoured to be the receiver of the very first postcard made by Daniel (sent from the USA)!!
I love coloured pencil drawings, and I love pelicans, who are weird, too, having a large bill with a distendible pouch beneath it.

Daniel made me curious, there is something he knows and I don't: who is hidden in this Brown Pelican's mouth? Definitely this 'Help!' crying creature isn't as lucky as Marlin and Dory in Nigel's pouch.

Together with the beautiful drawing I received this photo postcard with more information about this kind of Pelican. So I learned the Brown Pelican is the Louisiana State Bird (strange enough we don't have a Dutch provincial or even national bird, as far as I know) and that the young pelicans feed by sticking their heads into the pouch. The Brown Pelican has been in danger of extinction, but thanks to extensive conservation efforts this marvellous bird has been making a comeback.

Thank you so much, Daniel!


What a big surprise to find this wonderful Lion - very properly titled 'The Wonderful Lion' - in my mailbox!
Zoë from Louisiana, USA, created this unique coloured (or colored, I never know the difference) pencil drawing and I am happy to receive it!

Lions indeed are weird animals: why only male lions do have manes, and their male cousins, for instance tigers, lynxes and domestic cats, haven't?!

Thank you very much, Zoë!

woensdag 13 juli 2011

Isabelle Paris

This beautiful collage, made by Isabelle Paris, survived a postal journey, sent on the outside of an envelop from France.
I'm not sure whether the animal is a weasel or an ermine in summer fur, but definitely he/she is a mustelid and feels home in this beautiful garden! And did you note the camouflaged frog?
Funny is the stamp, to my surprise it's the very first cat in this project!

Inside the collaged envelop I found another collage treasure: a sweet giraffe calf. While the adult giraffes have small horns on their heads, the newborn ones seem to have a kind of dark hair instead.

More work of art by Isabell Paris you can see on her website, Postalement votre !.

Merci beaucoup, Isabelle!

dinsdag 12 juli 2011

Tanya / Andy

Although not a self-made postcard, these Weird Animals I definitely think worth adding to this project.
Postcrosser Tanya sent me these. Not only the pink cows are weird (weird not only because they're pink: regarding well, even a usual cow has a lot of peculiar characteristics, I think), but also the beautiful owl, the humans (musicians!) and the deer/bird/butterfly-pottery on the stamps are great!

спасибі, Tanya!

woensdag 22 juni 2011

Claudia Schramm

This amazing 'animal' has been sent by Claudia Schramm from Germany.
Weird animal... Is it a Rendeer, is it an Elk? And how come that this creature makes us think of the famous Chinese artist Weiwei Ai?
(More about Weiwei here, news about his detention here, and possibilities to start mail art projects here.)

Claudia has an interesting mail art project: "Schickt mir Euer Geweih" = "Send me your horns". More about / from Claudia Schramm you can read on her website: Schrammiroquai.

Vielen Dank, Claudia!

zaterdag 18 juni 2011

Salina Sagace

The message is clear!
(And at the same time this card, sent by Salina Sagace, provides us with a one-word answer to the long-lasting question whether Mermaids are Humans or Fish!)

Moltes grácies, Salina!

woensdag 18 mei 2011

Nicole Eippers

As an answer to the wolf and three pigs, Nicole Eippers sent me this amazing lizard: the Basilisk!
Apart from his/her appearance, the Basilisk also is weird and wonderful because of his/her ability to run on the surface of water.

Nicole must be an expert on an other wonderful, weird and clever animal: the Pig. See the great Priority flying Pig label and Piggy stamp!

More pigs - made by other mail artists - you can find on (and add to) her Piggy One Mailart website.
Be sure to check Nicole Eippers' own art work on Piggy Own Mailart.

Merci beaucoup, dankuwel, Nicole!

maandag 9 mei 2011

La Fee Verte

This beautiful colour pencil drawing of the (tiny and dangerous!) Red and Blue Poison Dart/Arrow Frog has been made and sent from Belgium by La Fee Verte.

Truely a weird animal, by it's obvious colours and poison skin.
Besides that, this frog also has some other - to us humans recognizable - features: unlike many other amphibias these parent frogs care for their offspring. Father frog helps to keep the eggs hydrated, and after the eggs hatch, mother frog transports the tadpoles on her back to some water-filled location like a bromelia axil.

Not to forget the - typical La Fee Verte styled - Humans on the envelop!

More work by La Fee Verte you can see on her website, and more about La Fee Verte you can see and read on her blog.

Hartelijk dank, Fee Verte!


These fantastic & cute Giant Pandas have been made and sent by Sofía from Spain.
It's not strange the younger panda has such a contented look: I think many people (including me) would like to be in a hammock under the sun and bamboo, too!

More weird animals on the envelope! The mariposa - butterfly - should watch out for the spider's web!

Muchas gracias, dankjewel, Sofía!

woensdag 20 april 2011

Eva Albiol

"Absolutely all animals are weird...
... but some of them even can FLY!"

This beautiful collage was made and sent by Eva Albiol.

Not only the birds and the bee can, in the mountains also the Chamois and the Ibex fly, in a way!

Moltes gràcies, Eva, per aquest bonic collage i segells!

Heinz Lotz

This intriguing animal was sent from Germany and has been made by Heinz Lotz. I think it must be a Looster or Rion (lion-rooster)!?
And oh, pity: Seems like the tail doesn't agree with the direction this animal is walking into...

Talking about directions: note the address below. A recycled address!

Herzlichen Dank, Heinz!

woensdag 13 april 2011

Lutz Beeke

This great Weird Available Animal was noted and sent by Lutz Beeke from Germany.

Seems this dog has been lost, and / or is waiting for someone who went by train (the location is the Berlin Alexanderplatz railwaystation). Hope this dog soon will find what he or she's looking for.

More art work by Lutz Beeke you can find here.

Great backside, too! Fortunately the postman wasn't confused by the two addresses nor by the stamp direction. The postcard was delivered in my mailbox!

Herzlichen Dank, Lutz!