Two animals were sent from Belgium by Mart1.
The Tapir, one of my favorite weird animals, you see below. And above you see the Blobfish!
Even if the fish him/herself wouldn't have been weird, he/she would be weird because of the name! Just have a try: say 'blobfish' to yourself 14 times while looking in the mirror with a serious face and try not to laugh!..
Though - the Blobfish indeed is weird! Living in deep sea (600 to 1200 meters, near Australia) a gas bladder, which fish usually have, wouldn't work. Instead of that, the Blobfish' flesh is a jelly-like mass. He doesn't need much muscles, as he just eats what comes close. Blob!

Blobfish and Tapir are accompanied by an interesting collaged envelop. When you take a close look at the backside, you can notice some butterflies, too!

Thank you, dankjewel, Mart1, voor deze verrassende bijdrage!
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