woensdag 18 mei 2011

Nicole Eippers

As an answer to the wolf and three pigs, Nicole Eippers sent me this amazing lizard: the Basilisk!
Apart from his/her appearance, the Basilisk also is weird and wonderful because of his/her ability to run on the surface of water.

Nicole must be an expert on an other wonderful, weird and clever animal: the Pig. See the great Priority flying Pig label and Piggy stamp!

More pigs - made by other mail artists - you can find on (and add to) her Piggy One Mailart website.
Be sure to check Nicole Eippers' own art work on Piggy Own Mailart.

Merci beaucoup, dankuwel, Nicole!

maandag 9 mei 2011

La Fee Verte

This beautiful colour pencil drawing of the (tiny and dangerous!) Red and Blue Poison Dart/Arrow Frog has been made and sent from Belgium by La Fee Verte.

Truely a weird animal, by it's obvious colours and poison skin.
Besides that, this frog also has some other - to us humans recognizable - features: unlike many other amphibias these parent frogs care for their offspring. Father frog helps to keep the eggs hydrated, and after the eggs hatch, mother frog transports the tadpoles on her back to some water-filled location like a bromelia axil.

Not to forget the - typical La Fee Verte styled - Humans on the envelop!

More work by La Fee Verte you can see on her website, and more about La Fee Verte you can see and read on her blog.

Hartelijk dank, Fee Verte!


These fantastic & cute Giant Pandas have been made and sent by Sofía from Spain.
It's not strange the younger panda has such a contented look: I think many people (including me) would like to be in a hammock under the sun and bamboo, too!

More weird animals on the envelope! The mariposa - butterfly - should watch out for the spider's web!

Muchas gracias, dankjewel, Sofía!