zaterdag 21 december 2013

Eraser Heed

The most amazing Lion I've ever seen, is the Abstract Lion! Issued as artistamps, created and sent from Sweden by Eraser Heed.

Below the well-known Bunny in his/her neonatal period and a little extended.

Great envelope, too. See the beautiful postage stamps, among them a serie of the celebration of 350 years Swedish Post (in 1986).

Thank you very much, E.H.!

vrijdag 20 december 2013

Nicole Eippers (11)

Yay! The Platypus!! This is one of my eldest favourite animals, I mean, I already was intrigued by this special mammal as a child. So I jumped to the ceiling when I discovered this beautiful collage in my mailbox. Created and sent by Nicole Eippers from Belgium. Whose favourite animal, I guess, is the Pig.

Thank you very much, merci beaucoup, Nicole!

zaterdag 7 december 2013

Sonja Reedijk

Beautiful combination of a screen print Cat, rubberstamp and embossed print paws and typography.
Created by Sonja Reedijk from the Netherlands.

She also suprised me with this sunny mixed media collage.
Thank you very much, hartelijk dank, Sonja!

Mariana Serban

Mariana Serban sent me this beautiful rubberstamp-drawing collage in her entry for Our Solitudes. Of course these mail arted animals deserve a place among all animals here, too.

Thank you very much, Mariana!

donderdag 5 december 2013

K.S. Chambers

Beautiful work of art - a story - created by Keith S. Chambers from the USA.
I published it here, to show you the cool Eurasian Wren postage stamp in front, and on the backside the famous Rabbit, now saying that Cosmo rocks (who's Cosmo?) and the Wasp in the North, connected by a beautiful orange yellow line to the South.

Great mail art, thank you very much, Keith!

dinsdag 3 december 2013


Most postcrossers prefer to receive and send out 'regular' postcards.
But sometimes, very few times, there are postcrossers who like selfmade cards.
I think these handmade cards are treasures. Today I'm happy to show you all this great, handdrawn Formosan Black Bear! Created and sent by Alisa from Taiwan.

Thank you very much, Alisa!

maandag 2 december 2013

Mail Art Martha

Thanks to Snail Mail Snails we are able to exchange Mail Art all-over the world.
So everytime I see a crawling snail, even when he/she is eating my crop instead of delivering mail, a smile arises on my face.
And Mail Art Martha was so kind to send me snails!
Above you can see the Artfull Snail.
Two Heraldic Snails you can see on this map of the United Queendom of Retailia: they are holding the shield (which shows an other animal: the famous Cuckoo).

And on the envelope there's the Snail Mail Snail again working hard to get this mail on its destination.
Thank you very much, to all Mail Snails and to Martha!

maandag 25 november 2013

Kerosene (6)

Beautiful stamped bird and drawn feathers, as well as great encyclopedic ATC's. Love it!
Created and sent by Kerosene from Canada.

Thank you very much, Kerosene!

Nico van Hoorn (2)

I always love the Pinguin and moon stamp from Nico van Hoorn. And, similar to the Deer and Godwit on the front side of the envelope, now the pinguin is not alone anymore!

Below a picture of, er...? Beautiful colours in any case!

Thank you very much, hartelijk dank, Nico!

vrijdag 15 november 2013

Eva (8)

Three birds in one: the Dove (who brings peace), the Crane (used in the Lufthansa logo) and the famous bird Tweety (who can fly and run!).
Created and sent by Eva, who also created this typographic - I love typography! - envelope.

Fortunately the Cat has his eyes covered, so he'll leave the birds in peace this time.
And no, the envelope isn't upseide-down: it now clearly shows the Arab letter 'H'!

Thank you very much, Eva!

donderdag 14 november 2013

Thom Courcelle

Received from Thom Courcelle, right in time for Halloween, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.
As we don't celebrate any of these days at all I didn't know which day this picture concerned exactly, the skeleton seems to be suitable for the three of them (and I published it 3 days after Saint Martin's Day :-) ).
Anyhow: the message is a true one! And reminds us of celebrating Every Day that we're able to get up to behold the world and to be and have friends.

Thank you very much, Thom!

woensdag 13 november 2013

Guido Vermeulen (5)

"From R. Budha Thokhi (Nepal) and Guido Vermeulen (Belgium) based on the reflections by Gaston Bachelard (France)", the back side of this beautiful insect card says.
I'm not sure whether the insect is a cockroach or a longhorn beetle or any other insect, but his/her philosophic and poetical talents are awesome anyhow.

'Qui faire si on n'existe pas?' - 'What to do when one doesn't exist?', these two (existing? non-existing??) people are saying on the front side of the envelope. Created and all sent by Guido Vermeulen.

Together with this nice booklet. I still didn't find the perfect way to show books well in this blog, but be sure, Guido, that I'm enjoying it, thank you very much!

woensdag 23 oktober 2013

Erni Bär (2)

Another collage created and sent by Erni Bär. You can see Fish, a Lobster, a Human (bear?) being, Musician, and again that strange creature, called Werewolf.
Vielen Dank, Erni!

maandag 21 oktober 2013

Cascadia Artpost

You can see humans and sheep on this special collage named 'Commodity Civilization'.
So I thought it a good alibi to publish this mail art here at the Real Weird Animals blog.
Humans weird? Sure, I think so: regarding consumerism, sheep are many times more wise. They eat what they need, while we, many human beings in the western world, fall for merchandise and thus treat the earth very bad. To 'eat' (read: buy, buy, buy) far more than we need.

Made and sent by Cascadia Artpost from the USA.

Thank you very much, Jack!

maandag 30 september 2013

Ruud Janssen (3)

Again a beautifully painted envelope by Ruud Janssen from the Netherlands.
Showing two pairs of eyes, so two animals, Nocturnal Animals in fact.
Ruud wrote that these animals are living in couples and that I, by knowing this fact, should know them. But to be honest: I'm not sure whether these are Possums, or Barn Owls, or ...?

The same mystery concerns the animal shown here. The title says it's a spear point, but I almost am sure that this is an animal, too. Or at least this might be the habitat of the tapeworm.
Well, because it's an add-to-and-pass-on, I'll think of adding a specimen of such an animal to it. To be continued!

And of course above left you can see the famous Bunny.

A real 'animal' is this Human, watching a true quote: yes, Mail Art Matters!

The scanned envelope on top shows a nice overview, but in real the colours are even more bright. The scan didn't pick up that, but my photo camera did a bit: see the neon pink colours right above, enjoy!

Thank you very much, veel dank, Ruud!

S. Minstrel

More Human Beings, drawn / collaged and sent by S. Minstrel from the USA.

Thinking I am a pacifist, I always consider the use of weapons one of the weirdest things mankind can do...

Not only human but also some nice slices of paper (kind of Paper Snake?!).

So nice to know this piece of mail art has been travelling back and again:

Thank you very much, S. Minstrel!

zaterdag 28 september 2013

Ruud Janssen (2)

Short after Ruud's previous animal, I was surprised by an other colourful envelop painting, created by Ruud Janssen from the Netherlands.
I hardly dare to guess which animal this is (I have several ideas) and wanted to remain silent, however Ruud unveiled a little by writing that this animal might be an 'angsthaas'.
We don't know if this animal exists in English language also. But literally 'angsthaas' means 'fear hare', which translated into English suddenly is a total different animal: scaredy-cat.

Thank you so much, Hartelijk dank, Ruud!