A long time ago Clark A. Dissmeyer surprised me by sending an envelope, which contained comic books. I am a lot behind in posting mail (and in replying..), but finally here it is!
'Mushy', who you can see above, is a character which has been created by Clark. Although not an animal, this friendly mushroom could be one due to the fact that he walks and talks and observes, and experiences adventures.
The other comic book in the envelope had been drawn by
Lara McCoy-Rolofson after a story of the German film director
The snail of course took my attention and is a good alibi to post a tiny part of the received mail here at Real Weird Animals. (Gutenachtgeschichte = Bed time stories.)
More work by Lara you can find on the internet, for instance
there, and at
Etsy. And some more info about Clark Dissmeyer you can read
Back to Mushy.
Some people will be happy to see the real animal on bottom, however Mushy himself is less happy at that moment. Fortunately Mushy survives this incident and will be back in a next edition of his personal comic serie.
Thank you very much, Clark, and again apologize for the very long delay in my reply to you!