zondag 13 november 2016


The Sloth is an amazing animal. Fortunately I am not the only one who is fascinated by this slowly moving animal. Margit created a great rubberstamp, and she was so kind to send me a print of it. Alas the card never arrived, and seems to have been lost in the mail. But she printed an other one, and I was so happy to receive it!

Update: this card appears to be the first and only one! Amazing how the Sloth has traveled as slow as no human is able to do.
Margit told me yesterday that the card has been sent on 29th of February. The Sloth must have thought it a big journey, as he first rested in the Post Office or Briefzentrum before he finally had the energy to cross the border to the neighbouring country (mine). After getting not a 29 February postmark but a 21st of October one!

Thank you very much, herzlichen Dank, Margit!

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