maandag 20 juni 2016

Ficus Strangulensis

At first sight I thought this picture a mix of random colours, but looking closer I found out that it existed of photos of Birds and Reptiles which seem to have met in a big mixing bath.
Reptiles, Birds... So they should be posted here.
Usually I don't draw in other people's art work, and I am not sure if the creator, Ficus Strangulensis, would agree if I'd take a felt pen or scissors to mark or cut out the individueal animals?

The art arrived in an envelope, of which the back also shows these colourful mixed-animals, now pictured on a favourite object for mail artists: a mailbox.

Inside Ficus enclosed some readable food for thought:

And the mail art arrived in exact the right season: spring. Also in the USA the Daffodils bloom then!

Thank you very much, Fike!

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